Image slideshow

There are many situation where we need to show a lot images to our visitors. They can be pictures from our hollidays, or images of our product, or a collection of pictures we simply like. There is no limit to our immagination.

Alterpages provides a widget called Image Slideshow that allows you to add images to a nice sliding album easily usable even from smartphone and tablet PCs. You can add this widget from Add > Multimedia > Image Sideshow.

An alternative way to display images is the Image Grid where images are arranged like a classic picture gallery.

To better understand what we are talking about here's a nice kitty gallery.

The Image Slideshow comes with some customization options. For example you can display preview images or some more minimalistic bullets.

At the same time you can choose a black or a white background.

Here's a gallery of landscapes with bullets and a white background.

  • Mountains
  • Boat
  • Road
  • Country

The last available option is to choose between resized and cropped images. In the first case the whole image is always visible, but some black filler can appear on sides. In the second case the images covers the available space, but parts of it could be hidden.

For sure you site will be more appreciated with some nice and usefull image galleries!

Don't forget that the Image Slideshow has been created for simple image presentations. If you want to show a set of news please use the News slideshow.